Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
Addressing the Works of World Literature with Radio Play Application
AyÅŸe Derya Eskimen
Kutahya Dumlupınar University, Turkey

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Pages: 279-289
Keywords: Radio Play, World Literature, Text Vocalization, Collaborative Studies, Teacher Candidates
In the study, within the scope of World Literature course, radio play adaptations of works from French and Russian literatures were vocalized by pre-service teachers and tried to be presented in radio play format. In this regard, the aim of the research is to address the attitudes of pre-service teachers who experience preparing radio plays towards collaborative studies and their perception of information communication technologies competence levels. In addition, the thoughts of pre-service teachers about whether they enjoy the work of preparing radio plays, vocalizing, getting to know the work closely, and getting to know the author closely were also discussed. It is thought that the research will contribute to getting to know the literary work, the author and the characteristics of the period in which it emerged through radio plays, learning by doing and experiencing, learning permanently and with pleasure, increasing motivation and contributing to speaking skills. Because in today's education and training environments, rather than transferring knowledge, students are expected to be involved in the education and training process in which they are active, access information in creative ways, construct knowledge, learn collaboratively and interactively. In the study, qualitative and quantitative data were collected and mixed method was used. The study group of the research consists of pre-service teachers taking the World Literature course. "Cooperative Learning Scale" and "Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Competence Perception Scale" were used as data collection tools. The findings obtained as a result of the research indicate that pre-service teachers' perceptions of collaborative studies for preparing radio plays are at a "high" level; their mean scores of ICT competence perception are at a "sufficient" level; there is no significant difference in their attitudes towards collaborative learning and their perceptions of competence in using ICT according to gender. Most of the pre-service teachers stated that it was their first time doing such an application. Regarding the qualitative findings, the students stated that they enjoyed the radio play very much, that this application contributed to them to get to know the work closely, that they had the opportunity to get to know the work more closely, and that they were curious about the other works and life of the author. More students stated that going beyond just knowing the work as a name and giving life to a character in the work ensured the permanence of the work and what was learned. They also stated that they learned about new applications related to technology through the radio play they experienced and that they saw their deficiencies related to technology.
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