Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
An Evaluation of the Compatibility of the 2019 Turkish Curriculum (The Case of Iğdir Province)
Esma Binay, Şener Şentürk, Volkan Duran
Ondokuz Mayıs University (Turkey), Iğdır University (Turkey)

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Pages: 756-772
Keywords: Turkish Language, Curriculum, Curriculum Alignment, Curriculum Evaluation, Teacher Opinions
The aim of this article is to examine the curriculum alignment of the current program in line with the opinions of Turkish teachers based on the flexibility of the 2019 Turkish Language Curriculum. The study group for the research consists of a total of 153 teachers, including 40 Turkish teachers who participated in the semi-structured interview in Iğdır in the 2020–2021 academic year and 113 Turkish teachers who gave their opinions about the achievements in order to measure the accessibility levels of the achievements. When the participant comments are examined, it is seen that their statements emphasize the content of the program in terms of intensity and time. It should be noted that teachers express more curriculum fidelity than curriculum alignment. However, it can be said that the concept of curriculum alignment is considered here as a central program implementation algorithm. It can be said that teachers mostly emphasize inner harmony with the alignment of goals. In addition, stating that the achievements are realized within the framework of texts and activities shows that teachers only adhere to the texts and activities in the text book. It was concluded that the students had difficulties in the application because of problems related to the program, and this might be related to local factors.
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