Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 November 2022
An Examination of Obesogenic Nutritional Habits in Sedentary Students
Hikmet Türkay
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University

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Pages: 338-343
Keywords: Sedentary, Obesity, Nutritional Habits
Recently, widespread sedentary lifestyles and changing eating habits have increased various health problems among students. The current study examined sedentary students' obesogenic eating habits by their socio-demographic characteristics. The research study group comprised 184 students, of whom 73 were females and 111 males, specified by a simple random sampling method. A Three-Factor Nutrition questionnaire served in the study to measure sedentary students' obesogenic eating habits. While a significant difference existed between sedentary students by gender and age variables, no difference existed in terms of the "presence of obese individuals in the family" and "family income levels." Consequently, the current study suggests the existence of positive relationships between Emotional Eating, Cognitive Restraint, and Sensitivity to Starvation in sedentary individuals.
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