Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
An Investigation of High School Students’ Continuous Anxiety Towards Physical Education and Sports Course
Murat Kul, Mehmet Ali Ceyhan, Eda Adatepe, Onur Şipal, Ömer Faruk Aksoy, Emre Boz
Bayburt University (Turkey), Atatürk University (Turkey)

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Pages: 449-456
Keywords: Physical Education And Sports Course, High School, Student, Anxiety
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the continuous anxiety of high school students towards physical education and sports course and to examine these data in terms of demographic variables. The study group consists of 322 students. "Physical Education Continuous Anxiety Scale" has been used for data collection. In addition to percentage and frequency distributions, one-way ANOVA, t-test, scheffe Test and two-way variance analysis tests have been applied in the analysis of the data. According to the results of the study, while a significant difference has been reached between the gender and doing sports status variable and all sub-dimensions of the Physical Education Continuous Anxiety Scale, a significant difference has been reached in the "Cognitive Processes" and "Anxiety" sub-dimensions with the class variable. In addition, the interaction effect (gender * doing sports status) has not been statistically significant. In the light of the findings, it is thought that the gender variable is a determining factor in determining the continuous anxiety of high school students towards physical education and sports course and this is due to the differences in motoric characteristics between male students and female students and it is also due to the higher participation of male students in physical activities.
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