Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 16 January 2019
Analysis on an English Textbook for Grade 7: Focus on Compliance to the K-12 Grade Level Standards and Competencies
Esnia Maida A. Macasawang, Wardah D. Guimba, Jerryk C. Alico
Datu Lantud Memorial High School, Mindanao State University, Philippines

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This analysis is aimed at evaluating the current English learning material used in Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation. Since textbook evaluation has become an important tool in searching for an effective learning material, this paper sets the goal of providing answers to the presented research objectives such that it highlights the use of the learning objectives indicated in K-12 Curriculum Guide. The researchers identify the consistency of the content of the textbook analyzed in terms of the learning objectives provided in the k-12 Curriculum Guide. Lastly, results suggest that there should be an equal distribution of activities of the given skills. Among the skills, writing has the most number of inconsistencies as far as the K-12 Curriculum Guide is a concern. Moreover, the authors of this textbook (English Communication Arts and Skills 7) should be able to continue working on more editions of the book so as to produce more effective and practical learning materials.
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