Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 19 February 2020
Blended Learning: An Innovative Approach on Social Sciences at Indonesian Higher Education
Erond Litno Damanik
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

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Pages: 52-65
Keywords: Blended Learning, Social Sciences, Citizenship, 4IR, Indonesia
This article aims to formulate a format for blended learning in Social Sciences at Indonesian Universities that contributes to participant citizenship. This study is a projection of the future of Social Sciences education based on two factors, namely the low quality of education and literacy of Indonesia in the world and the participation of citizens in multicultural order. The fundamental problem in this study is the gradation of participant citizenship. Data were collected from journal articles, OECD and UNESCO survey results, and questionnaires to 600 informants. The framework of global competence and skills in the C21st is used to analyze the blended learning format in Social Sciences that is most suitable for developing participant citizenship. The advances in science and technology in the C21st, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) fostered the Internet of Education Things (IoET). In Social Sciences, the digital revolution spawned the Internet of Social Things (IoST). This study concludes that Blended learning's innovative approach to Social Sciences in higher education correlates with examining local and intercultural issues, understanding and appreciating the perspectives and Indonesian views of others, taking action for collective well-being and sustainable development, and engagements in open, appropriate and effective interactions across cultures.
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