Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
Comparison of Undergraduate Social Studies Instruction Program Elective Course Content and Social Studies Curriculum (2018) Objectives
Esra Kiliç, Aşkın Baydar, Arcan Aydemir, Özlem Ulu Kalin
Artvin Coruh University, Turkey

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Pages: 335-346
Keywords: Social Studies, Elective Field Courses, Curriculum
The 2018 Undergraduate Social Studies Instruction Program included 13 elective field courses. The pre-service teachers should select six elective courses to graduate. The present study aims to compare the content of the above-mentioned elective field courses and the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade social studies curricula (2018) objectives. In the present qualitative study, the data were collected with the document analysis technique. The qualitative study data were analyzed with the Miles & Huberman (1994) reliability formula and the inter-coder agreement was determined as 91.4%. It was determined that 24 objectives in the Turkish Judicial System course, 21 objectives in the Turkish Economy course, 15 objectives in the Globalization and Society course, 10 objectives in the Environmental Education course, 9 objectives in the Historical Evidence in Social Studies Instruction, Local and Oral History, and Information Technologies in Social Studies courses, 8 objectives in the Maps and Applications course, 2 objectives in Current Global Issues, Regional Children’s Games in Social Studies Instruction, and Material Design in Social Studies Instruction courses were associated with the social studies curriculum objectives. The objectives specified in Evaluation of In-Classroom Learning, Social Studies Textbook Review, and Drama in Social Studies Instruction courses were not associated with curricular objectives.
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