Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 08 October 2024
Consumption of Water, Environmental Awareness and Class Consciousness: Mismatches in the Praxis
Otacilio Antunes Santana
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil

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Pages: 40-52
Keywords: Class Struggle, Inequality, Education, Water Resources
If there is an inequality in the supply and consumption, would there be an equality in the duty of its preservation? That is the central issue of the paper. The objectives of this study were: i) to analyze water consumption; ii) to assess the environmental awareness of water consumption; and iii) to discuss the class consciousness regarding water supply between socioeconomic classes in the municipality of Recife, State of Pernambuco (Brazil). Households, as a sampling unit, were analyzed in this work in a census form. Per capita water consumption is unequal between socioeconomic classes. Formation for environmental awareness does not prepare individuals for environmental praxis, and to discuss inequality of rights and justice for access to primary resources, but teach them to respect equalities in duties. Class consciousness, by those least favored, should be the first step in environmental education for not only equalizing water consumption, but also eradicating the usury in its use by classes with higher purchasing power. The continuous reproduction of socioeconomic classes that have environmental awareness and do not have the environmental praxis shows that something is wrong since the formation of the subject that maintains the status quo, legislation that does not make social and environmental justice.
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