Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 12 April 2024
Creative Challenge-Based Learning Model via Digital Co-Learning Space to Develop Creative Genius Innovator
Kriangkrai Palasonthi, Pallop Piriyasurawong
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand

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Pages: 1-13
Keywords: Challenge Based Learning, Creativity Based Learning, Co-Learning Space, Creative Genius, Innovator
This research was research and development was (1) to develop a creative challenge-based learning model via digital co-learning space to develop creative genius innovator model and (2) study the results and approve the creative challenge-based learning model. The researcher determined the research method into two phases according to the objectives. The first phase was developed a creativity challenge-based learning model via digital co-learning space to develop the creative genius innovator model. The second phase evaluated the appropriateness of the creativity challenge-based learning model. The creative challenge-based learning model was assessed for suitability by eight experts using a suitability assessment form. The creative challenge-based learning model had five components which included 1) the inputs 2) the creative challenge learning process 3) the output and the feedback 4) the outcome and 5) the impact. The creative challenge learning process had five steps: the design and simulating Interest, the understanding problems and finding solutions with wisdom, the creative challenge, the kick off and summary of results and assessment of success. After evaluation of the appropriateness of the creative challenge – based learning model. The results and approve the creative challenge–based learning via digital co-learning space model approve by experts were appropriateness at very high level.
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