Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
Difficulties, Benefits and Recommendations of Mainstreaming Practices
Serdal Deniz, Ridvan Karabulut
The University of Kayseri, Turkey

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Pages: 347-360
Keywords: Mainstreaming, Family, Difficulties, Benefits, Suggestions
This research was conducted in order to uncover the challenges and benefits experienced by and recommendations of the families whose children with special needs continued mainstreaming practices for at least five years. This is a qualitative case study. The research was conducted by in-depth interviews with thirty-three families. As a result of research, it has been determined that the families experienced difficulties collaborating with executives, mainstreaming students with their teachers, providing sufficient information to the student, about negative attitudes and behaviors, exclusion and bullying from students with normal development, self-confidence, learning problems, behavior problems and obsessions from children with special needs, and the lack of acceptance of the children within the family. In the study, the mainstreaming practices have been determined to be beneficial for executives to understand individual differences, for teachers to understand the different learning styles, tolerance and being patient, for students with normal development to ensure self-confidence, socializing, communication and fitting into society, and for families to develop appropriate attitudes for their children and monitor the development areas where the children are sufficient and insufficient. It has been observed that the families recommended the executives to be cooperate with executives, support students who are successful at mainstreaming with teachers, be understanding and attentive, include students with normal development in games and activities, be tolerant, support the students with special needs in their social skills and self-confidence development, and families to cooperate, be open to communication, and promote their practices.
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