Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 31 August 2022
Education Services for Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Shinta Prastyanti, Tri Nugroho Adi, Adhi Iman Sulaiman, Rili Windiasih
Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia

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Pages: 325-333
Keywords: Education Services, School Students, Educational Media, Innovation Adoption, Covid-19 Pandemic
The Corona Virus Disease 19 currently has disrupted all aspects of life, including education. The teachers and students have to adapt to the studying and learning process and how to serve students. This phenomenon is important and interesting to study. The research uses a qualitative case study method with data collection through observation, dialogical interviews, Focus Group Discussion, Participatory Decision Making, and documentation analysis. Informants are teachers represented from the fifth-grade elementary schools, both urban and rural areas, besides the principals, educational leaders, and practitioners in the District of Banyumas, the Province of Middle Java, Indonesia. The research analysis uses interactive analysis starting from data collection, data reduction, verification, and triangulation till the conclusion drawing. The results showed that teachers and students in research areas alike experienced technological disruption both in the educational process or services to students during the pandemic as an effect of the changing of studying learning methods from face-to-face to online. Another result found the use of digital media in the process of implementing and evaluating the studying learning process hurts boredom, lack of concentration on the lesson, and humanistic interaction with other students. In contrast, the result also found a positive impact such as interesting and innovative digital applications that can support the educational process during that pandemic. It is necessary to socialize, adapt, adopt innovation and increase competence for teachers and students, especially in the use of digital-based learning media and applications (online) including quality assurance of the education implementation and evaluation process.
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