Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 14 September 2023
Enhancing Student Engagement in Legal and Criminological Modules: An Andragogical Approach in Higher Education
Nephat Shumba, Sayed Reza Hussaini
University of Hertfordshire, UK

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Pages: 181-201
Keywords: Andragogical, Criminological, Legal, Self-directing, Problem-Solving, Self-reflection, Student Engagement
This research examines the application of andragogical learning and teaching methods in legal and criminologi-cal modules in higher education to enhance students’ engagement. The study is an online survey that includes both students and lecturers at Hertfordshire Law School (HLS). The research identifies strengths and areas for improvement from both staff and students’ insights. Some of the strengths include peer learning and group work, collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking within HLS modules. In the same vein, areas for improvement include emphasis on individual problem-solving, learners’ experience, self-directing scholarship, and guidance of students on research skills. Recommendations offered include balancing individual and group activities, incorporating visual aids, and aligning assessments with problem-solving skills and tactics. Foster-ing self-reflection and collaborative learning can empower students significantly. Implementing andragogical principles can enhance learning strategies and promote effective scholarship in legal and criminological studies.
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