Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 06 August 2021
Environmental Factors for Motivation of First-Generation Hmong American College Students in Academic Attainment
Avita Hang, Nichole Walsh
California State University, USA

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Pages: 142-154
Keywords: Hmong American, First-Generation College Student, Educational Attainment, Cultural and Institutional Barriers, Culturally Engaging Campus Environment Model, Hmong Student Organizations, Model Minority Myth
This qualitative thematic analysis study examined the motivations of first-generation college graduate Hmong American students in their educational attainment. Currently, Hmong American students are facing cultural and institutional barriers which continue to impact access to and achievement in college. Although there is an educational disparity, for some within the Hmong American student community, there is resilience to overcome and graduate from institutions of higher education which is important to understand. Culturally Engaging Campus Environment Model underpinned the one-on-one in-depth interviews of purposively sampled first-generation college graduate Hmong American students who attended the University of California, Merced. The findings from the study highlighted ways family supports, role models, breaking culturally normed gender roles, Hmong Student Associations (HSAs), and intentional holistic campus supports are important motivational environmental factors in Hmong American students’ higher education journey.
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