Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 08 November 2021
Examination of Classroom Teacher’s Experiences Regarding Mathematics Courses Taught through Distance Education throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic Period
Kemal Altıparmak, Şeyma Can, Ezgi Dur
Ege University (Turkey), Ministry of Education (Turkey)

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Pages: 211-226
Keywords: Distance Education, Mathematic Courses, 21st-Century Skills, COVID-19 Pandemic
The aim of this study is to investigate the experiences of teachers regarding online primary school mathematics courses throughout the pandemic period. In this respect, the teachers were examined about the efficiency of distance education during the course sessions, the activities that involve the student, its positive and negative aspects, the utilized materials, portals, websites, the situation of students embodying the concepts, the extent to which they maintained the assessment, the difficulties they encountered within the process, as well as their suggestions. In the study, it was seen that teachers had both positive and negative views on distance education. The participant teachers in the study utilized different portals and websites throughout the distance education process. The majority of those teachers had the opinion that the methods used in mathematics courses through distance education assisted students in learning the concrete concepts. In the study, suggestions were made to enhance the efficiency of the mathematics courses along with distance education.
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