Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
Examination of the 6th Grade Turkish Lesson Coursebook Texts Within the Context of the Properties of the Text
Cafer Çarkit, Ayşen Çohantimur
Gaziantep University, Turkey

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Pages: 280-290
Keywords: Turkish Textbook, Text, Literary Genre, Logic Level, Function
In this study, the texts in the 6th-grade Turkish coursebook, prepared according to the 2019 Turkish Lesson Curriculum, have been analysed in terms of various text types. In this framework, the texts in the book have been examined and evaluated according to the criteria of the function, literary genre, logic level, and the utilization feature in language teaching, which the researchers have created based on the literature. The case study of qualitative research methods was used in the study. The data source of the research is the 6th-grade Turkish textbook used in 2020-2021 academic year. The data of the study was obtained through document review. The data obtained in the study were analysed and evaluated by content analysis, one of the qualitative data analysis methods. The research findings determined that the book included informative texts more than narrative texts and poems in terms of their functions. It has been determined that the texts in the book show a rich variety in terms of literary genre. It has been concluded that most of the texts in the book in terms of logic level are simple texts written at the level of plain logic. In the context of their usage characteristics in language teaching, it was determined that literary texts have more place than original texts in the textbook. Based on these findings, it was concluded that sufficient attention was not given to text selection in the textbook, and suggestions for text selection were presented in the process of preparing a Turkish textbook.
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