Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 August 2022
Features of Deictic Processing Adverbs Now, Then, Here, There
Shafagat Mahmudova Abdulla
Azerbaijan University of Languages, Azerbaijan

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Pages: 166-172
Keywords: Deixis, Adverb, Adverbial Determinants, Physical Context, Discursive Situation
This article examines the main mechanism of development of the deictic features of English adverbs now, then, here, there, their purposeful research, and also reveals and diversifies the diversity of their development points on the basis of specific linguistic material. The study of the deictic properties of the adverbs Now, then, here, there in English is of deep interest. In a discursive situation, the deictic essence of the adverbs now, then, here, there is revealed first of all. Before exploring the deictic functions of these adverbs, the views of various linguists on the deixis category and deictic expressions are noteworthy.
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Fillmore Ch.J.(1971). Santa Cruz Lectures on deixis. Bloomington: Indiana UniversityLinguistics Club, 268 p.
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