Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 26 June 2024
Fidelity of Implementation (FOI) of the Grade 10 English Curriculum: Developing a FOI Framework for Curriculum Delivery
Abigail A. Alviz, Arlene S. Opina
Centro Escolar University

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Pages: 183-198
Keywords: Curriculum Fidelity of Implementation, English Curriculum, Adherence, Exposure, Quality of Delivery
Fidelity of implementation (FOI) is employed to probe into the implementation of the curriculum by English teachers as intended by developers through the curriculum guide. This explanatory-sequential paper sought to probe into the fidelity of implementation practice of high school English teachers using the dimensions of adherence, duration and quality of delivery. Data were gathered using the Curriculum Fidelity of Implementation Survey-Questionnaire, focus group discussion and document analysis. Data analyses were conducted using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Findings revealed that teachers mostly implement the curriculum with average adherence but cited several reasons for not accomplishing the learning competencies. Overall, high quality of delivery was observed and the required time allotment for the Grade 10 English subject was implemented; however, these did not translate to the full implementation of the curriculum. Reasons such as lack of orientation on the learning competencies, intervening and other-teaching related activities, professional development programs during class days, among others resort to teachers’ backlogged discussion of the competencies. Implications of and recommendation for the study were provided for future researchers and empirical discussion.
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