Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 30 November 2022
Gender and Socio-Economic Background Aspect of Inclusion: A Perspective from Turkey
Fatma Kesik
Hasan Ali Yucel Faculty of Education, Istanbul University
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Pages: 297-309
Keywords: Gender, Socio-Economic Background, Inclusion, Inclusive Education
This study aims to identify the opinions of teachers about the inclusive education policies and practices regarding the gender and socio-economic backgrounds of students. Phenomenology, as a qualitative research method was used in this study and eighteen teachers selected by criterion sampling technique constituted the sample of this study. The data of the study were collected with semi-structured interview forms and analyzed with content analysis method. As a result of the study, it was identified that although there have been tremendous improvements in ensuring the access of female students and students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds in the education system, it is revealed that educational inequalities and injustices continue to exist and several female students and students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds are excluded from education system due to several reasons in Turkey. In that regard, it is suggested that the policies and practices towards inclusive education should shift towards an improvement in education system with the aim of increasing inclusion, justice, equity and diversity in all spheres of educational life.
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