Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 08 September 2021
Implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) in a Juvenile Detention Center Using Action Research
David C. Coker
Fort Hays State University Virtual College
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Pages: 227-239
Keywords: Response to Intervention, Strategic Leadership, Juvenile Delinquency, Action Research, Adaptive Leadership
While proponents claimed Response to Intervention (RtI) improved student learning and prevented failure, there was an absence of research in effectiveness. Applying action research within a case study, there was an investigation into the process of reforming and improving RtI within a short-term juvenile detention center in the Midwest of the United States for students in grades 5-12. Using the conceptual framework of adaptive leadership, there was an analysis of policies and procedures, observations, interviews, and student work. RtI as a stand-alone program revealed many teachers lacked evidence-based instructional methods and alternative teachers lacked content knowledge, making implementation difficult. Within the action research method, role ambiguity caused problems with fidelity, with the need to infuse strategic leadership with action research when teachers’ sense of self and professional were challenged.
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