Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 25 December 2022
Improving Early Childhood Emotional Intelligence Through Traditional "Balogo" Games in Kindergartens
Darman Manda, Kartika Fajriani, Dyan Paramitha Darmayanti
Makassar State University (Indonesia), Nahdlatul Ulama University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 476-488
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Balogo, and Traditional Games
Emotional intelligence is a determinant of individual success. However, today's emotional intelligence is fading. Early childhood is the foundation for the development of individual potential and intelligence. Thus, the urgency needs to be taken special action. The focus of this research is to improve the emotional intelligence of early childhood through the traditional game "Balogo". This research was conducted at Dharma Bahagia Kindergarten, Samarinda through an experimental design. The average N-Gain result in the experimental class in this study was 76% which was categorized as a high level, and the category of effectiveness level included in the effective or increasing category. This means that the treatment of traditional Balogo games has a fairly effective effect on improving early childhood emotional intelligence. Meanwhile, the average N-Gain result in the experimental class in this study was 16% which was categorized as low level, and the foe category of effectiveness level included in the ineffective/not increasing category. This means that if children are not given any treatment (control) it will not increase emotional intelligence based on the results of the pretest and posttest in early childhood.
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