Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 20 May 2019
Including Diversity Awareness, Anti-Violence and Vocational Skills in Language Learning: An Evaluative Study to English Textbook in Indonesia
Desak Gede Chandra Widayanthi, I Wayan Simpen, I Nyoman Udayana
Universitas Udayana, Indonesia

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Pages: 330-337
Keywords: Textbook Evaluation, Learning Material, Vocational, Character Building
As the government of Indonesia is implementing a program of Vocational School Revitalization, improving the quality of instructional material, including the quality of textbooks. This study aims at analyzing how the English textbook for grade X of vocational high school has included diversity awareness, anti-violence, and vocational skills in their content. Diversity awareness, anti-violence, and vocational skills are important to be presented in the textbook in Indonesia because Indonesia has more than 300 ethnic groups, or in exact number, there are 1340 ethnics spreading all over the islands. This awareness is important in order to build tolerance among others and also anti-violence habit. As the textbook plays an important role in Indonesian education, this action on building diversity awareness could be assisted through the inclusion in the textbook. The textbook being evaluated in one published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. The research conducted as a descriptive, evaluative study, through content analysis data collection method. In general, it is found that textbook being evaluated has including diversity awareness, anti-violence, although it is found that there is one picture that may promote violence. However, the textbook has not sufficiently facilitated the development of vocational skills since the materials are more based on General English instead of English for Specific Purposes.
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