Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 May 2020
Innovative and Collaborative Learning in Visual Arts with the Use of Modern Educational Software
Spyros Kolyvas
Art teacher, Visual artist

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Pages: 194-200
Keywords: Educational Script, New Technologies, Collaboration, Innovation, Art Education, Critical Thinking
The aim of the educational scenario is to create an innovative teaching proposal in the Class of visual arts for the pupils of the last two classes of the elementary school. This teaching proposal escapes the strict framework of the school program and proposes a holistic approach to knowledge. Its application requires the use of new technologies, which contribute particularly to the design and implementation of educational scenarios where the student takes an active role in the framework of the teaching act. The use of new technologies in both the process of seeking information from the student and the use of modern digital tools and educational software fosters collaboration, excites curiosity and creativity through which they develop critical thinking, which must be at the heart of learning. The didactic results of this teaching proposal are derived from the teacher's diary and the students ' questionnaires and are of special value both during the feedback phase and in the future design of scenarios. The future uses of the micro-script by teachers who teach the course of visual arts will offer valuable observations for improving it.
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