Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 23 December 2022
Investigating Reading Comprehension Questions and Student-Generated Questions in Language Lessons in terms of Level
Eda Işır, Yusuf Uyar
Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey)
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Pages: 440-455
Keywords: Student Questions, Teacher Questions, Textbook Questions, Question Levels
Reading comprehension questions scaffold deeper comprehension, help students to analyze texts, improve students’ thinking skills, and help them realize permanent and meaningful learning. By comparing reading comprehension questions used in Turkish lessons with student-generated comprehension questions in terms of level, this study aimed to determine question resources’ capacity to affect students’ questions. Using a multiple-case study research method, this study examined Turkish textbooks’ reading comprehension questions, teachers’ questions generated during lessons and teachers’ questions produced for the text provided, and student-generated questions. Data were collected using the Demographic Information Form, Teacher In-Term Question Collection Form, Teacher Questions Collection Form, and Student Question Collection Form. In addition, textbooks were used as another data source. The data were analyzed using content analysis. The results revealed that the textbook questions were mainly of a low level require remembering and understanding information. Similar results were obtained for those teachers’ questions. However, it was determined that the teachers’ questions produced based on the texts were at a higher level than those produced during the lessons. Comparatively, it was also revealed that the rate of low-level questions produced by students was higher than those in textbooks and teacher questions. Furthermore, high-level critical questions were found to be limited in all resources. When students’ questions and questions produced by other resources were compared, the closest relationship was found between the students’ questions and questions produced by teachers during lessons.
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