Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 May 2021
Investigating the Training Needs of Music Teachers in Primary Education: A Greek Case Study
Elefteria Kogkou, Anagnou Evaggelos, Iosif Fragkoulis
Hellenic Open University, Greece

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Pages: 349-362
Keywords: Music Teachers, Music Teachers΄ Education, Training Needs
The purpose of the current research is to examine the views of music teachers that work in primary education, regarding their training needs. With the investigation and emergence of their training needs, useful data occur for the design of effective training programs that focus on the coverage of the special training needs of these teachers. In this context, a quality research was designed and conducted in a sample of fifteen (15) music teachers in the Achaia district. The research data was derived from semi-constructed interviews and the results were analyzed with the method of thematic analysis. The sample music teachers wish to be trained to improve new technologies that refer to the music subject, their cognitive subject, in conducting the choir and the management of children with special needs. Music teachers are positive in creating a participatory pattern of organizing and conducting these training programs. As for the characteristics and the organizational parameters of the training, they prefer short training programs, live or distance learning, obligatory type that will be enriched with personalized and cooperative actions.
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