Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 24 May 2021
Investigation of Mathematics Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Teaching Mathematics in the COVID-19 Pandemic Process
Sakarya University, Turkey

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Pages: 396-407
Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Teacher Efficacy, Teaching Efficacy, Efficacy Belief
Teachers’ beliefs about teaching mathematics have a great influence on students’ success in mathematics. In addition, teachers with high teaching efficacy beliefs create classroom environments where students can be more successful. In the light of this information, the importance of understanding mathematics teachers’ beliefs about their competence has to be considered in mathematics teaching. In this study, a relational survey model was used to examine secondary mathematics teachers’ efficacy beliefs about teaching mathematics in terms of some variables. The sample of the study consists of 165 mathematics teachers selected with the stratified sampling method. In this study, Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief Scale, developed by Enochs, Smith, and Huinker (2000) and adapted to Turkish by Takunyacı and Aydın (2013) was used. The first finding of our study is mathematics teachers’ beliefs about mathematics teaching were medium level. The second finding of our study is the personal mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs of male teachers were significantly higher than female teachers, while female teachers’ efficacy beliefs about outcome expectations in mathematics teaching were significantly higher than male teachers. The third finding of our study is efficacy beliefs of mathematics teachers working in private high schools about the outcome expectation in mathematics teaching were significantly higher than the mathematics teachers working in public high schools. In the last finding of our study, it was found that the personal mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs of mathematics teachers with professional seniority of 11 years or more were significantly higher than teachers with professional seniority of 0-5 years.
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