Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 07 September 2022
Investigation of Nutritional Level Habits in Sedentary Women According to Body Mass Index
Ali Kemal Taşkin
Kilis 7 December University

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Pages: 355-361
Keywords: Sedentary, Diet, Body Mass Index
In this study, it was aimed to examine the nutritional level habits of sedentary women according to body mass index. A total of 504 sedentary women with a mean age of 48.79±3.65 living in Gaziantep city center voluntarily participated in the study. In order to determine the nutritional habits of the subjects participating in the study, a three-factor eating habits questionnaire, which was adapted into Turkish in 2015 by Kıvanç et al., was applied. The "IBM SPSS Statistics 22" package program was used in the statistical analysis of the obtained data, and the normality analysis of the data was tested with the Kolmogorov Smirnov test. One-way anavo test was used to compare normally distributed data. In this study, the margin of error was taken as 0.05. As a result of the analysis; It was determined that sedentary women with a high body mass index did not avoid eating at any time of the day, and they needed to eat when they felt restless and lonely. It was also found that these women ate until they finished the food in front of them even when they were full, they saw eating as a philosophy of life and they were not very conscious about nutrition. As a result; The reason for the nutritional irregularities of sedentary women is mostly due to insufficient nutritional knowledge. We believe that it will be possible to correct sedentary women's malnutrition behaviors and gain healthy and correct eating habits through nutrition education.
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