Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 December 2021
Investigation of the Relationship Between the Two-Dimensional Self-Esteem Perceptions and Leadership Orientations of the Faculty of Sports Sciences Students
Ismail Karatas, Hayri Akyuz
The University of Bayburt, Turkey

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Pages: 492-505
Keywords: Self-Esteem, Leadership Orientation, Faculty of Sport Sciences
This research was carried out to investigate of the relationship between the two-dimensional self-esteem perceptions and leadership orientations of the students of the faculty of sports sciences. In this context, the relational survey model, which is consistent with the main purpose of the study, was used in this quantitative study. A total of 323 students, 125 females and 198 males at the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Bartın University constitute the sample of the research. Convenience sampling method, one of the non-probabilistic sampling approaches, was used in the selection of the research group. Questionnaire form was used as data collection tool and this form consisted of three parts. The first part includes the “Personal Information Form,” the second part includes the “Two-Dimensional Self-Esteem: Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale” and the third part includes the “Multidimensional Leadership Orientations Scale.” The descriptive statistics of the raw data obtained through the questionnaire form were first calculated by considering the data type. Then, the reliability of the scales related to the obtained data were investigated, and the difference and correlation tests were used in the statistical evaluation. In this direction, it has been determined that there are significant correlations within the scope of age and family income level variables. However, there was no significant relationship within the scope of personal income level variable. On the other hand, it was found that there are significant differences in the scope of department and actively doing sports variables. However, it was observed that there were no significant differences in the scope of gender, grade, and place of residence variables. On the other hand, it was determined that there were positive and moderately significant correlations between the participants’ scores of self-liking and political leadership, human resources leadership, charismatic leadership and structural leadership. In addition, it was found that there were positive and moderately significant correlations between the self-competence scores of the participants and the scores of political leadership, charismatic leadership and structural leadership. On the other hand, it was understood that there was a statistically significant positive and low-level correlation between the participants' self-competence scores and their human resources leadership scores. As a result, it can be said that as the self-esteem of the participants increases, their leadership orientation also increases. In this context, it can be said that increasing the self-esteem of the participants is an important concept in the context of leadership orientations.
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