Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2022
Investigation of Turkish Middle and High School Students’ Water Literacy as a Factor Predicting Targets for Sustainable Development Goals
Arzu Kucuk
Ministry of National Education (Turkey)

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Pages: 192-201
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Water Literacy, Children, Environmental Education
This research was carried out to reveal the factors affecting the water literacy of middle and high school students in Turkey. In the study, in which a total of 155 children living in Rize of Turkey participated, the data were collected using the "Water Literacy Scale" developed by Sozcu and Turker (2020a). This measurement tool was implemented as online questionnaire. The scale consisted of three sub-dimensions, namely water saving, water consciousness, and water sensitivity, and a total of thirty items. Data analysis was performed in the SPSS program, using unrelated t and One-Way Anova tests. It was concluded that the water literacy of the children differed according to finding the news about the water crisis realistic, and having a concrete experience in reusing water in some dimensions. There was no difference between the water literacy of middle and high school students. Critical suggestions based on informal learning, including parents, were made to provide water literacy to children.
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