Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 06 August 2021
Language and Education Policies Based on National/Plurilingual Identity in Autonomous Republics: A Case Study of the Gagauzia Autonomous Region
Ebru Eren
Yeditepe University, Turkey

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Pages: 192-199
Keywords: Language Policy, Education Policy, National Identity, Plurilingualism, Autonomous Republic, Gagauzia
Autonomous Republics, although situated within the borders of a state, have the right to govern themselves within their own borders. The most concrete indicator of a state’s autonomy is its flag, its national language, its national culture and its national education. In this context, the language and education policies come into play in the building of a new political union and a national identity. For example, Gagauzia (or Gagauzia Autonomous Region), which was shaped by many historical periods from the Ottoman Empire (from the 16th century until 1812) to the Russian Empire (1721-1917) and to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991), is nowadays within the borders of the Republic of Moldova. It is an autonomous republic with the right to self-government. This paper aims to analyze the language and education policies determined and applied for the Gagauz Turks in Moldova. It is possible to argue that there is a relationship between the notions of “autonomous republic” and “language and education policy.” In the autonomous republic, this policy will be described as a policy-based not only on the national identity, but also the plurilingualism.
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