Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 08 February 2023
Learner’s Perception in Using Social Media for Foreign Languages Acquisition
Shorouk Mohamed Farag Mohamed Aboudahr, Abderrahim Benlahcene
Unitar International University (Malaysia), Ajman University (UAE)

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Pages: 191-197
Keywords: Learner’s Perception, Social Media, Foreign Languages
Social media use is a crucial component of modern education. The overuse of social media has completely captivated learners' attention. This study conducted to examine the perception of foreigner language learners toward utilization of social media. This descriptive study's data was gathered using a qualitative approach with a custom-made questionnaire. 60 students participated in this study. The study's findings demonstrated that learners' regular use of social media had a substantial impact on their performance. It has also showed that, and learners had positive attitude toward using social media in order to acquisition of foreigner language. Therefore, one of the educational tools that learners can use to improve their foreign language skills is social media. This study offers insights into how important of technology to support learner the integration and utilization of social media platforms as instructional tools in the context of acquisition foreign languages.
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