Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 26 October 2021
Metaphorical Perceptions of Teachers Regarding the Concept of "Teaching Profession" (A Weighted Study)
Derya Cinar
The University of Necmettin Erbakan, Turkey

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Pages: 155-166
Keywords: Metaphor, Teacher, Teaching Profession, Classroom Teacher, Branch Teacher
Today, the perceptions of individuals who are performing the teaching profession are very important. The purpose of this research is; to investigate the metaphorical perceptions that teachers have regarding the concept of the teaching profession and to compare the metaphorical perceptions of classroom teachers and branch teachers. The research is a qualitative study and the data are examined by content analysis. As a data collection tool, 60 teachers were told to "Teaching profession...... it's like. Because......" they were asked 3 times to complete the sentence. According to the results of the study; the number of metaphors produced by teachers is 155 and all are valid. The created metaphors are collected in 5 different categories. It was observed that the classroom teachers and branch teachers who participated in the study produced metaphors mostly in the category of "Expressions Related to An Object." Teachers in the study group perceive the teaching profession most with the metaphors of "parenting, motherhood and candles." According to the findings of the study; When comparing metaphorical perceptions of classroom teachers and branch teachers in all categories, it was determined that classroom teachers produced more metaphors than branch teachers, while branch teachers could not produce little or no metaphors.
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