Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 11 October 2021
Multiple Mediation of Self-Esteem, Perception of Social Self-efficacy, and Social Anxiety in the Relationship Between Peer Support and Autonomy in Adolescents
Sinem E. Akbay, Mehtap Aktaş
The University of Mersin, Turkey
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Pages: 1-10
Keywords: Peer Support, Self-Esteem, Autonomy in Adolescents, Social Anxiety in Adolescents, Perception of Social Self-Efficacy
The aim of this study is in the relationship between peer support and autonomy in adolescents; The aim of this study is to examine the mediating role of social self-efficacy perception, self-esteem and social anxiety variables in adolescents. The study group of the research consists of 462 high school students (237 women and 225 men). Of the students in the study group, 26% (120 people) were in the 9th grade, 28.6% (132 people) were in the 10th grade, 28.1% (130 people) were in the 11th grade and 16.5% ( 76 people) are studying in the 12th grade. Data collection tools used in the study; Adolescent Social Anxiety Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Short Form), Social Self-Efficacy Perception Scale, Peer Support Scale, Adolescent Autonomy Scale were used. The data were analyzed with Regression-based method and Bootstrap methods. According to the findings obtained from the study, it was observed that as peer support increases in adolescents, individuals' self-esteem and social self-efficacy perceptions increase, and as a result, their autonomy levels increase. In addition, it is seen that the increase in peer support in adolescents decreases the social anxiety of the individuals and thus the level of autonomy increases. In addition, it was found that the established model explained 41% of autonomy in adolescents.
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