Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 June 2022
Online Learning Quality, Satisfaction, and Word-of-Mouth Promotion
Mikhael Mikhael, Yohana Carolin, Yohanna Nathania, Bram Hadianto
Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia

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Pages: 567-576
Keywords: Educational Institution, Online Learning Quality, Satisfaction, Word-of-Mouth Promotion
This study aimed to verify and analyze the two influences. The first was the effect of online learning quality (OLQ) on student satisfaction and word-of-mouth (WOM) promotion. The second was the impact of student satisfaction on WOM promotion. Then, we used the population of 137 students taking online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic at Indonesia's Interkultural Edukasi Partner (IEP) in Bandung to support this intention. Furthermore, we applied the Slovin formula with a 5% border of fault to obtain a sample size of 103. After getting it, the samples were taken by simple random sampling. Unfortunately, only 45 students responded by filling out the questionnaire distributed. As a result, this study utilized the structural equation model based on variance to examine the proposed hypotheses. After testing and discussing them, this research concluded that OLQ positively influenced student satisfaction, but OLQ did not. Besides, student satisfaction positively affected this promotion.
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