Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 07 November 2022
Perceptions of School Managers Towards the Acceptance and Use of Technology: A Phenomenological Study
Metin Işik
Kirşehir Ahi Evran University

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Pages: 185-197
Keywords: Acceptance of Technology, Technology Leadership, Technological Competence, Technology Usage in Education
This study aims to bring out the perceptions of school principals about technology and its use in educational institutions. The research is important in terms of determining the perceptions of school administrators to accept and use technology in the context of the necessity of using technology in schools in the distance education process and today’s rapid technological developments. The study group of the research consists of 20 school administrators (principal and assistant principal) working in primary, secondary, and high schools in in Istanbul. The data of the research were collected through semi-structured interviews. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis method. It is understood that the administrators who participated in the research have positive perceptions of technology acceptance and consider its use mandatory. According to the participants, it was obtained that with the technological competencies of school administrators, their perceptions of following and using technology were different. In the research, it was found that school administrators use technology more in compulsory situations and to provide benefits. When evaluated in terms of technology in management processes, it was concluded that the administrators participated in the study using technology but they differed according to the age, in-service training, desire, and need of other school administrators in accepting and using technology.
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