Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
Principals’ Positive Organizational Behavior in Schools and Its Results
Süleyman Göksoy
Düzce University, Turkey

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Pages: 99-110
Keywords: School, Positive Organizational Behavior, Principal
In this study, the positive situations that principals put forward about teachers, students, the institution and themselves, and the results of these positive situations and practices were investigated. The current study has been carried out with a descriptive purpose. The positive organizational behavior of the principals in schools and its results, which is the subject of the study, are examined within the scope of "phenomenology." The research was conducted on 32 different institutions and educators in a province in the Western Black Sea Region in the 2020-2021 academic year. In the present study, it has been obtained that the principals generally emphasize the positive organizational behaviors of teachers, students, the school and themselves. Considering the fact that positive organizational behavior in schools increases corporate and individual performance and highlights the strengths of the organization and employees, the following comment can be made: Educational institutions and managers need to make positive organizational behavior a part of the corporate culture and corporate climate.
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