Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 11 March 2019
Relationship between Art Education and Government Policy towards Sustainable Urban Development in Tehran
Paria Karim, Mohammad Ebrahimi, Nurudeen Abdul-Rahaman
University of Science and Technology of China

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The study aims to examine the relationship between art education and government policy towards sustainable urban development in Tehran. The mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative was adopted as the study design. Stratified sampling technique coupled with simple random sampling was used to sample 300 respondent for this study. Students, as well as development partners, were targeted. Both questionnaire and interviews for literate and non-literate respondents were used respectively. Likert scale questions were used to obtain the required data for the study. The study found that there is a strong relationship between art education and sustainable urban development in Tehran and hence more collaboration is required from the government and development partners to train engineers and Urban planners based on art education.
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