Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 September 2021
Restructuring the Civic Education Paradigm in Indian Schools: Measures to Cultivate a Generation of Responsible Citizens
Arya Goyal
Step By Step School, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Pages: 617-622
Keywords: Political Science, Education, Civic Education, Citizenship Education, Indian Education, Curriculum
Political science as a subject is integral to the development of sensible and patriotic citizens, yet it is not given the attention it deserves in the Indian education system. Solidified by the findings of field research conducted in five schools that cater to India’s middle-income bracket (the largest segment of the population), this research paper brings forth the reluctance of over 92% of the representative sample to undertake education in a discipline as important as political science- a distressing figure indeed. The sample involved random selection of students of grade 11 in the five schools mentioned herewith; qualitative research was obtained through anonymous questionnaires allowing a safe space for truthful responses, and quantitative data were obtained through access to the schools’ records pertaining to subject selection for grades 11-12. This paper will highlight some of the current deficiencies in the system, undertake a comparative study of how it stands vis-à-vis those of European countries, and arrive at recommendations to the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on how to improve civic education among high school students in the country, eventually fostering a moral and capable Indian generation.
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