Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 03 July 2020
Review on Regional Standardized Training of First-year Teachers in Shanghai
Xuan Zhao
Shanghai Open University, China

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Pages: 271-284
Keywords: Teacher Induction, First-Year Teacher, Teachers’ Professional Development (TPD), Regional Standardized Training of First-year Teachers, Shanghai
Shanghai has promoted regional induction for first-year teachers since 2012. In Mar 2012, Shanghai Municipal education commission (SMEC) issued "Guidance of regional standardized training of first-year teachers in Shanghai"(RSTFTS). According to this guidance first-year teachers are required of 1-year induction after recruitment. As training content should consist of four parts, namely, professional perception and teacher ethics cultivation, classroom experience and teaching practice, class management and ethics experience, fieldwork and professional development. Regional Education Bureau (REB), Regional Teachers' Education College (RTEC), kindergartens, primary and secondary schools (K-12 schools) of Shanghai's 16 districts have participated in this program. All 15 districts and 1 country in Shanghai have followed the guideline and taken charge in specific training affairs, which finally accumulated rich experiences in 7 years.
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