Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 05 February 2025
Revolutionizing Fitness: The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Activity
Simon Kormla Donkor
University of Education, Winneba

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Pages: 92-100
Keywords: Fitness, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Physical Activity, Pre-Service Teachers
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is significantly reshaping the fitness industry, creating opportunities for enhanced personalization and effectiveness in exercise routines. This study explored the transformative impact of AI-powered wearables and smart fitness devices on individual fitness outcomes and overall physical activity levels. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the research involved a cross-sectional survey of 90 pre-service physical education students from the University of Education, Winneba, who provided insights into their experiences with AI technologies in fitness. The study employed a five (5) point Likert-scale questionnaire to assess respondents’ perceptions of AI's influence on their exercise regimens. Data was analyzed using means, standard deviation, independent samples t-test and Pearson’s correlation. The findings revealed that AI technologies significantly enhance the personalization of fitness programmes, enabling users to achieve tailored workout structures and set personalized fitness goals. Participants reported increased physical activity levels and improved consistency in their fitness routines, highlighting the positive correlation between AI integration and individual fitness outcomes. Additionally, the study emphasizes the necessity of addressing ethical considerations, in terms of algorithmic partiality and data confidentiality, to ensure equitable access to AI-driven fitness solutions. It was recommended that fitness organizations and AI developers should focus on user education, engagement, and continuous improvement of user experience to maximize the benefits of AI technologies.
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