Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 25 May 2022
Teacher Enthusiasm and Collaborative School Climate
Gülay Öngel, Erkan Tabancalı
Şehit Batuhan Ergin Anatolian High School (Turkey), Yıldız Technical University (Turkey)

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Pages: 347-356
Keywords: Teacher Enthusiasm, Collaborative School Climate, Teacher Collaboration, School Principal Collaboration
The main aim of efforts to improve teaching is to create conditions that are more supportive of student learning and social development. The most tangible output of teaching activities occurs during the teaching activities conducted in the classroom environment. It is therefore reasonable to focus on what happens in the classroom to improve teaching. The quality of interactions between students and teachers is affected by the emotional states of both parties. Positive emotions arising from teachers are an important factor in high-quality teaching experiences for both parties. Due to the enriching and affirming effects of teacher enthusiasm in classroom interactions, it is important to investigate the underlying processes. For that reason, this research was designed to investigate the effects of supportive and collaborative processes on teacher enthusiasm. As a result of this research, it was concluded that organizational values and practices that facilitate and encourage information exchange increase teacher enthusiasm. In this respect, investigating organizational processes that facilitate cooperation and positively affect the achievement of school goals may be beneficial in terms of increasing the effectiveness of schools.
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