Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 18 March 2023
Teaching and Promoting Independent Use of Reading Strategies in the Middle Schools
Yusuf Uyar, Murat Özbay
Gazi University (Turkey), Kırıkkale University (Turkey)

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Pages: 504-514
Keywords: Gradual Release of Responsibility Model, Complex Tasks, Independent Strategy Use
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of complex tasks on independent strategy use. For this purpose, a two-stage study was carried out. At the first stage, reading strategies were taught to the students who were assigned the experimental groups through Gradual Release of Responsibility Model, and at the second stage, some complex tasks were designed; and were tested in order to see if they would have an impact on students’ independent strategy use without the guidance of anyone. This study is a quasi-experimental study; and the study group consists of a total of 72 middle school students, 24 of which are in the experimental groups, while the remaining 48 students are in the control groups. The research results showed that explicit strategy instruction through the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model, and subsequently, that engaging students in complex tasks promote the independent strategy use.
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