Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 30 April 2021
Teaching German as a Second Foreign Language at Primary Education in Turkey
Fatma Karaman
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (Turkey)
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Pages: 25-35
Keywords: Turkey, Basic Education, Second Foreign Language, German, Teaching Activities.
It is a known situation that knowing a single foreign language is not enough in the 21st century and that knowing a second language will give an individual privilege. Accordingly, in recent years, serious steps have been taken related to foreign language teaching in Turkey. In Turkey is beginning to be taught in basic education German as a second foreign language after English as a first foreign language. Due to the increase in the importance given to the second foreign language, it has become an important situation to organize activities according to the interest and readiness of the student in order to achieve the desired success in learning German. In this context, the aim of this study is to provide examples of activity design in which communication for German teaching after English in primary education is at the forefront. In this study, is designed activities related to the topic "Einkaufen, Farben, Obst und Gemüse, Mülltrennung, Berufe, Artikel, Krankenheiten" located in the German language curriculum in basic education in Turkey. Considering the cognitive, physical and affective development of the students in the design of the activities, many teaching principles such as relativity to the student and the principles of experiencing by doing have been brought to the fore.
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