Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
The Analysis of the Views of Turkish Pre-service Teachers on Classroom Management Based on Three Movies: The Chaos Class (Hababam Sınıfı), Dangerous Mind and Dead Poets Society 1990
Seçil Dayıoğlu Öcal, Seher İşcan
Hacettepe University (Turkey), Pamukkale University (Turkey)

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Pages: 631-643
Keywords: Classroom Management, Teacher Education, Pre-Service Teachers
Classroom management is a recurrent topic in the context of teacher education in online, face-to-face and hybrid educational context. The skills of classroom management are one of the most considerable issues of the pre-service teachers. Thus, the teacher educators should make them equip with the classroom management skills. This study focuses on the pre-service teachers’ views on analyzing three movies as The Chaos Class (Hababam Sınıfı), Dangerous Mind and Dead Poets Society according to the freshmen and sophomore students’ view at Faculty of Education in a compulsory course of ‘Classroom Management’. The findings showed that ‘lesson planning’ is mostly identified ones. Moreover, it is clear that Mahmut, Luoanna and John all are role models for the pre-service teachers in terms of their attitudes towards the students and their profession. This study implies that the pre-service teachers need comprehensible and practical knowledge to model for themselves.
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