Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 November 2022
The Effect of Out-of-school Learning Environments Used in Life Studies Lessons on Students' Academic Achievement and Attitudes
Aytekin Karbeyaz, Murat Kurt
University of Amasya, Turkey

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Pages: 198-217
Keywords: Out-Of-School Learning, Classroom Education, Life Studies, Life In Nature, 2023 Education Vision
The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of teaching the subjects and concepts under "life in nature" unit of the 3rd grade life science lesson, on the academic achievement and attitudes of the students. In order to achieve this aim, a quasi-experimental model with pretest posttest control group was used in the study. In the study, an experimental (28) and a control group (31) classes were selected. Guidance teacher material was developed in order to guide teachers in the implementation phase of the study. The achievement test developed by the researcher, and the life studies lesson attitude scale developed by Oker (2019) were used as data collection tools and applied as pretest and posttest. Before this study, the personal information form was used to obtain the demographic information of both the experimental and control group students. The obtained data were analyzed with SPSS 20 computer program. As a result of the research, the pretest scores of the life studies lesson achievement test and the posttest scores after the application were in favor of the experimental group; life studies lesson attitude pretest scores were similar for the experimental and control group students; after the application, it was revealed that the life studies lesson attitude posttest scores were in favor of the experimental group students. Within the scope of the results obtained, "recommendations for the design and implementation of the developed guidance teacher material in different classes, courses and subjects, and some suggestions for future research" were made.
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