Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
The Effects of High School Principals on Student Achievement
Mükerrem Çetin, Kubilay Yendi, Nurettin Gür
Bağyurdu Anatolian High-School (Turkey), Kemalpaşa Lütfü Ürkmez Vocational and Technical Anatolian High-School (Turkey)

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Pages: 627-636
Keywords: Principal, Academic Success, High School, School Culture
With this study, it was tried to reveal which leadership characteristics of school principals are effective in ensuring and increasing students' academic, cultural and sportive school success and the effects of these characteristics on student development. There are many factors and reasons for students to be successful not only in the academic field but also in the field of culture and arts, and school principals are perhaps the most important of these factors and reasons. The influence and importance of the principal cannot be overlooked in the efforts of teachers, students, staff and even parents in a school to work on the success of the students. The school principal can influence the stakeholders in his school with the work he has done and fulfills an important role in ensuring the success of the students in these effects. Teachers and students who are in the school to realize the learning can achieve significant success in learning thanks to the leadership qualities of the school principal. The characteristics of school principals as leaders may vary, but it is possible to say that all leadership qualities are united in the provision of successful education and training, which is the aim of the school.
Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırsehir Education Faculty (KEFAD) Volume 13, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 75-93
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