Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown Process on Dietary Behaviours and Physical Activity Habits of High School Students
Nevzat Demirci, Pervin Toptaş Demirci, Hakan Koz
Mersin University (Turkey), Ministry of National Education (Turkey)

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Pages: 651-660
Keywords: Lockdown, COVID-19, Physical Activity, Eating Habits, High School Population
This study aimed to investigate the effects of home confinement as a result of lockdown on physical the activity (physical activity and dietary behaviors), and their determinants, on Turkey high school students (14-18 years). Methods: A total of 490 students (mean age = 16.40 ± 1.75) participated in the study. An online questionnaire consisting of sociodemographic data, nutritional behavior and physical activity habits was applied to the participants. He compared physical activity level (PA), dietary behavior (DB), and sitting time before and during lockdown. Results: BMI (kg/m2) has increased compared to before Covid-19, Physical activity levels of high school students decreased (p < 0.001), increased more their sitting time during lockdown (0.041***), eating habits changed (0.310***). Conclusion: Our data show that high school students are affected by isolation and lockdown and exhibit negative behavioral changes.
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