Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 17 March 2024
The Indonesian Independent Curriculum Requires Student-Centred Teaching Approaches: Does the Teacher Guide Accompanying a Grade VIII Ministry-Published Mathematics Textbook Assist Teachers?
Dewi Rahimah, Agus Susanta, Edi Susanto, Tria Utari
Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia

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Pages: 181-199
Keywords: pedagogical guidance, teacher guide, mathematics textbook, student-centred teaching approach
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia published mathematics textbooks accompanied by teacher guides to support the implementation of the independent curriculum requiring student-centred teaching approaches. It is important to know whether the teacher guides provide sufficient guidance for teachers in implementing student-centred teaching approaches in classrooms. This study was qualitative research applying textual analysis and a text-coding method. This research study found that in the teacher guide, pedagogical guidance for handling students’ errors was provided only for one section of the textbook, namely, Let Us Explore, while pedagogical guidance for handling students’ difficulties was not provided for any section of the textbook. An answer key without an explanation was provided for most of Let Us Explore, Let Us Think Creatively, and Let Us Communicate sections; an answer key with an explanation was provided for most of Let Us Think Critically sections; and for most of Let Us Use Technology and Let Us Work Together sections, an answer key was not provided. An explanation of how to use sections of the textbook was provided for most of Let Us Explore, Let Us Work Together, and Let Us Communicate sections, and it was dominated by teaching scenarios to use these sections.
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