Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 20 September 2019
The Language Proficiency and Process Skills of Filipino High School Teachers
Abigail Alviz
Centro Escolar University

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Pages: 615-628
Keywords: Language Proficiency, Process Skills, High School Teachers
This study employed the Test of English Proficiency for Teachers-Process Skills Test (TEPT-PST) results of Grades 7-10 Science and Math public high school teachers in the Philippines. Qualitative and quantitative designs were applied, along with secondary data, to analyze the subtests in the teacher assessment consisting of Structure, Written Expression, Reading Comprehension, and Process Skills. Findings show that teachers are proficient in reading comprehension items but find difficulty in expressing themselves in written form. Analyses of the competencies show that assessed teachers performed poorly in using articles and noun forms, decoding meaning from a word, and inferring. Lastly, the implications in the teaching-learning process were discussed to provide recommendations based on the evidences.
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