Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 25 September 2020
Toy library: Possibilities of Actions in the Education of Pedagogues
Merie B. Moukachar, Regina Rosa L. dos Santos
Minas Gerais State University, Brazil

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Pages: 398-410
Keywords: Games, Playing, Pedagogy, Plays, Teacher’s Education, Toy Library
The present article displays a research designed to investigate the role of the toy library as a research laboratory focusing on plays and educational processes in Pedagogy courses. It is a theme of relevance, as it is necessary to deepen the conception of the toy library as a scientific space for learning, aiming at the improvement of the education of pedagogues. This qualitative action research was carried out at a Faculty of Education, having as subjects, the students and teachers of the faculty who accepted to participate. A Study Group was initially created with these students, aiming to develop a deeper theoretical knowledge on the theme and experimental activities in the toy library domain through workshops and recreational activities. Along the research, the teachers also participated answering a questionnaire, which investigated possibilities of actions in the toy library, linked to the course subjects. Several theoretical arguments were found, which were also detected in the answers to the questionnaire, supporting the idea of the toy library as an important laboratory in the educator‘s education, contributing, despite some remaining weaknesses, to a well-qualified education enabling pedagogues to face the challenges of today's world.
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