Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 August 2021
What Do Turkish Experts Say about Sustainable Development Goals and Teaching about Achieving these Goals?
Mehmet Kucuk, Semra Burkaz Ekinci
Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Turkey

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Pages: 290-303
Keywords: Education of Sustainable Development, Science Education, Needs Analysis
The research aimed to investigate what Turkish experts say sustainable development goals and teaching about achieving these goals. The research has a qualitative design, and the analysis of the interviews consisting of ten questions was made by document and content analysis. Interviews were held with ten academicians, who are experts in their field and have included the topic of sustainable development in their studies. Interview questions consisted of two parts in terms of content, in the upper part only for scientific purposes and for information purposes in consideration of ethical rules, as well as demographic information and the main questions. The main questions are based on determining whether the curriculum is sufficient in terms of the education of sustainable development, as well as identifying students who have gained awareness about this issue and the behaviors that can be expected from students. The interviews lasted an average of twenty-five minutes. The data were analyzed by transcribing the sound recordings. After the analyzes were completed, the codes, categories, and themes related to the questions were determined. As a result, with this study, a needs analysis, which is the first stage of the sustainable development teaching material to be developed within the scope of a large project study, has been made. In line with the results, new acquisitions about sustainable development were developed.
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